Site Credits

A Mother’s Cry—By Students, For Students

The content on this site is mainly created and managed by students from Brown University under the mentorship of James Green. The list of student contributors will grow as the website does. Here are the some that have helped so far:

Phase I: Chelsea Waite, Alyssa Blood, Josh Rowe, Eric Johnson, Adi Gold, Katie Rand, Rebecca Leeds

Phase 2: Emma Wohl, Ford Beckett, Rexy Dorado, Camila McHugh, Cos Tollerson, Joaquim Moreira Salles, Meg Weeks, Caroline Landau

Phase 3: Emma Storbeck

Academic Advisor and Sponsor

Professor James Green, author of We Cannot Remain Silent: Opposition to the Brazilian Military Dictatorship in the United States (2010) and Beyond Carnaval: Male Homosexuality in Twentieth-Century Brazil (1999), continues to advise and mentor the ongoing growth of this site. Professor Green is currently working to produce an updated edition of Professor Emeritus Thomas Skidmore’s Brazil: Five Centuries of Change as well as several other books. He also is the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Professor of Latin American History at Brown University where he teaches classes on Brazil and Latin America to undergraduates and graduate students.

Library Support and Web Design

Patricia Figueroa’s expertise in Latin American History and knowledge of library resources continue to be immensely helpful to site contributors researching topics in Brazil.

Sarah Bordac and Ben Tyler have advised the website task force from the beginning on subjects as diverse as research strategy to copyright and implementation of concepts on the site.

Mark Baumer dedicated time and energy towards building the web template, assisting with technical support, and answering endless questions about functions of the site.